

Hello and welcome to our wedding page, where we hope you will find some useful information to help plan for the big day, whether you are one of the happy couple, family member or just an interested party. The overview below might just give you a place to start and is written as though addressing one or both of the couple considering marriage.

So where do we start?

Well, we start by saying congratulations. A wedding is a declaration of love by the happy couple to each other in front of family and friends and can take place in a number of different venues and places – a church, registry office, even abroad to name but a few and the fact you are looking on our website, means that the church is a possibility but you don’t know if that is possible or how you go about it.  Well let’s see if we can help.

Getting married in church – things to consider

Your legal status changes on marriage, and although technically you could get married in any church there are conditions and requirements that are attached.

    • So having decided on a particular church, the first thing to consider is do you live within the boundaries of the parish. If yes, then no problem, you can get married there
    • If you do not live there, then perhaps you have a qualifying connection to the parish eg, you lived there for at least 6 months, you/parents were baptised/married there. The Benefice Administrator could give you more details of this

If neither of the above criteria fits, then there are other things you might do

    • Electoral Roll is one option; speak to Benefice Administrator for more information
    • Applying for a Special/Common License; again speak to Benefice Administrator for more information.

Hopefully, through one of these means your chosen venue is possible, so what next?

Application Form

On enquiry of a possible wedding to Benefice Administrator, the possible date and time will be pencilled in the church diary and an application form sent to you, asking for details of full names and addresses of both parties, whether they have been married before and so on.  Complete it and send it back to the Benefice Administrator and then arrangements will be made to meet with you both, to say hello, talk through some of the options and so on.

Can you get married if you have been married before?

Our wedding policy includes couples or one party who has been previously married.  The Clergy would need to see a copy of the Decree Absolute.

Can another vicar marry us?

Yes, there is no reason why another vicar cannot take part or the whole of the service but it is up to the discretion of the Churchwardens.

What kind of service will it be?

There are a number of authorised marriage services available to use, and the choice of music, hymns, readings, who can take part, who is needed to do what and so on, will all be discussed when you meet with the Churchwardens or offiacating clergy.

What if I want to get married somewhere else?

That is absolutely fine, but you may need to get your Banns ( a sort of public announcement in the church where you live of your intention to marry) read in your local church and if you contact us, we can guide you through that process.

Is there a cost?

Yes, and the actual amount will depend on some of the choices you would like to include, eg organist, choir, bells to name but a few.  The cost varies slightly year on year but contact the Benefice Administrator for an up to date idea of the cost involved overall and all the various options, and how and when it needs to be paid.

Above all remember…

This is an exciting and happy time to celebrate and enjoy, and we will do all that we can to help you make it the day you have always dreamed of and wanted. There will be options and questions along the way.

The first thing is to contact us, either e mail  the Benefice Administrator,  or ring 01691 590025.  Speak to us about possible dates and we will post a form to complete.  When complete post it back to us.

Enjoy planning the big day!

To look at some photographs of recent Weddings at our churches; click here