Morton – Past Events

Harvest Festival – October 2021

On Sunday 3 October, young and young at heart gathered for our harvest forest church. We journeyed with the parable of the sower from sowing seed to sharing the fruit, considering seeds, soil type, how we had to harvest, sampling it ourselves before taking it out to share. Richard Jones from Llynclys shared with us, all the things he has to consider along the way. At every stage we gradually brought our harvest bun to life, and enjoyed it after, clearing weeds, picking our own pumpkins, enjoying pumpkin soup and bread made with pumpkin soup and carving pumpkins with happy faces, we finally sampled our harvest buns. They were worth the wait, even though some had their buns stolen by dogs in our midst when not looking! It was a great way to enjoy all good gifts around us that came from heaven above.

Here are some photos taken during the day:

Come ye thankful people come – Morton Forest Church Harvest at Llynclys Farm Cake story of journey from seed to fruit – seed to soup – delicious!!
Picked and harvested our own pumpkins for supper!