
Come and join us – our events and activities

On this page:
Our Events and Activities
Our House Groups

Our People
Our Magazine
Community Links

All Saints’ Church, Trefonen

Some three miles from Oswestry the compact village of Trefonen enjoys a reputation of being active and community spirited.  Our church enjoys a prominent position as you enter the village and is known for the warmth of the welcome it extends to everyone.  Our services are characterised by the participation of members of the congregation, who are active in church and village events and projects.



Our events and activities:

The Community Cafe in Trefonen Village Hall is open on Tuesdays from 9.45am-11.30pm (from 10am during school holidays).

Drop in for a cuppa and cake, meet up with friends.

Our house groups:

We have three house groups, which have been running in various ways. We may review how we operate in the next few months.

The Byway Group: has moved to meeting once a month.    The Group usually get together on a Wednesday afternoon.  For information contact Joan Parry and Jill Ferguson:

Fallow Fields Fellowship We meet the second and fourth Monday of the month, at 7.30 pm. No prior knowledge or expertise needed.  Our group is led by K of the Kimber household and we meet at Fallow Fields, Rectory Close..  Contact:

The Oaks Home group:  We are an informal group of Christians coming from diverse backgrounds, seeking to grow in our understanding of and relationship with God, to support and care for one another, and to live out our faith amongst the people around us. Our learning centres mainly around exploring the Bible together. We normally meet every second and fourth Thursday evening of the month and you would be very welcome to join us. Contact Chris Kirk, our group leader, at for further details.

If you would like to join a house group, or are considering starting your own, please contact K Kimber or Chris Kirk’

.People to know and who can help you:

Bob Kimber 01691 679646
Malcolm Kirk  01691 688595
Secretary to the Parochial Church Council:
Helen Parish 01691 670979
All Saints’ Church is committed to Safeguarding and has adopted the National and Diocesan Safeguarding Policies.
Our Safeguarding Coordinator is
Jeanne Bradley 07581 263877

Our Parish Magazine

Our Parish Magazine is published monthly, free of charge.  We ask that you support our advertisers.  The printed version is available in the Village Shop  (and the Village Hall and Barley Mow when open) and the digital version (February 2025) is available to download by clicking  here.

If you wish to write to the magazine on any subject, or submit an article to the editorial team for their consideration, please contact:

Community links and information:

Trefonen has a website, in which we feature. Click here to visit our pages 

You will find much local information in the magazine, at the Village PO & Stores and at the Village Hall and Barley Mow.

See also the Trefonen Community page on Facebook: Trefonen Community Notice Board.  This is a members’ group so you will have to ask to sign in if not already a member.  It’s a useful site, with details about the church, the village hall and what’s going on.